This design is for a Seattle comedy show called “The Gay Uncle Time.” The host wanted the poster to have a 60s/70s vibe, kinda like those old retro talk shows, and the vintage flowers were the only other requirement. The final product has lots of 70s references, but it’s also not just a parody either.
Author: Matt
All the Young Dudes
Here’s a poster I designed for West Side Glory, a live “sorta queer variety show,” in West Seattle. It’s made up like those old tour-blank posters from the 50s and 60s, featuring all the acts in the showcase. For future shows we’re gonna shuffle things around and change the color scheme, so that it looks brand new every time! Super cool!
Pissed Jeans at Barboza poster
Emailed this to the band today. Hope they’ll wanna use it!
Trux Trux Trux!
Earlier this week U2 released their new album for free via iTunes! And of course, a new UTU2TM:
Drawings by William Franklin
William Franklin is an architect by trade, a friend, and a self-identified asshole. On Tuesday nights we meet up for a few hours of drinking and drawing. Here are a few selections from his sketchbook.
Ex Hex at Barboza poster
Together Pangea at El Corazon poster
Fucked Up poster
Fucked Up – Live at Neumos!
Very excited to see Fucked Up performing at Neumo’s in Seattle tomorrow night! So much so in fact that I drew this picture of Damian Abraham tearing it up. My drawing even won me some tickets to the show, from! Thanks guys!